Thicken mode with Thermomix TM6

🍶Thicken Mode 🍶 no more lumps in your sauces!! The perfect mode to make your savory or sweet starch-thickened sauces, hot emulsified sauces and desserts and custards. Simply place the ingredients in the mixing bowl, select the mode, set the temperature, and turn to start Thicken mode. Thermomix® will control the cooking time based on the amount of ingredients, type of ingredients and temperature. Quick tips • For starch-thickened recipes, set the temperature to 100ºC – These recipes are thickened using any type of flour, such as wheat flour, cornflour or potato starch as the thickening agent. Examples include Béchamel Sauce, Soubise Sauce, or Crème Pâtissière. • For egg-thickened recipes, set temperature to 80ºC – These recipes use whole eggs or egg yolks as the thickening agent, and include hot emulsified sauces, desserts and spreads. Try the Hollandaise Sauce, Béarnaise Sauce, Orange Liqueur Zabaglione or Berry Curd. • For some hot emulsified sauces, use the butterfly whisk – The butterfly whisk will incorporate more air into your sauces, creating the perfect egg foam. The whisk is ideal for Classic Zabaglione, Red Pepper and Paprika Hollandaise Sauce or Choron Sauce. If in doubt, use the cookidoo guided recipes instead of the shortcut mode in the modes screen. #nolumpsauces #thermomix #tm6 #thicken mode

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