Air fryer peanut butter cookies recipe: Soft, Chewy, & SO Easy!1

Air fryer peanut butter cookies recipe: Soft, Chewy, & SO Easy!

Calling all peanut butter lovers, this one’s for you! Today, I’m unveiling the secret to perfect, soft, chewy peanut butter cookies made in a flash with the magic of your air fryer. If you’re like me and adore the rich flavor of peanut butter in everything, get ready because these cookies are absolutely addictive! Let’s dive in!

Why Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies?

Fast and Convenient: No need to wait for your oven to preheat. The air fryer cooks these little gems in minutes!

Perfect Texture: They come out perfectly golden on the outside, with that soft, melt-in-your-mouth center that makes peanut butter cookies irresistible.

Mess-Free: Forget the hassle of multiple baking trays; the air fryer simplifies the cookie experience.

Small-Batch Friendly: Perfect for when you crave just a few cookies without making a gigantic batch.

What You’ll Need (Ingredients):

Creamy Peanut Butter: The star of the show! Choose your favorite brand (1 cup)

Brown Sugar: Adds a rich, caramel sweetness (1/2 cup)

Granulated Sugar: For that classic cookie sweetness (1/4 cup)

Large Egg: Helps bind the cookie dough (1)

Vanilla Extract: Enhances the flavor (1 teaspoon)

All-Purpose Flour: The base of the cookie dough (1 1/4 cup)

Baking Soda: Helps the cookies rise slightly (1/2 teaspoon)

Salt: Balances the sweetness (1/4 teaspoon)


Air fryer

Parchment paper

Mixing bowls

Cookie Scoop (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Cream Together: In a large bowl, cream together the peanut butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar, egg, and vanilla extract until light and fluffy.

Mix Dry Ingredients: In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt.

Combine: Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until just combined. Don’t overmix!

Chill the Dough (Optional): While not strictly necessary, chilling your dough for 30 minutes will yield slightly thicker, chewier cookies.

Shape: Form the dough into balls (about 1 tablespoon each) and slightly flatten them with your fingers or a fork to create the classic criss-cross pattern.

Air Fry Time! Line the air fryer basket with parchment paper. Place the cookies in a single layer leaving space between them. Air fry at 350°F (175°C) for 6-8 minutes or until the edges are golden brown and set.

Cool and Enjoy: Let the cookies rest in the air fryer for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Pro Tips for the BEST Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies:

Ingredient Swaps: For nut allergies, swap out the peanut butter for sunflower seed butter or any other favorite nut butter.

Flavor Boost: Add a handful of chocolate chips, chopped nuts, or even some mini peanut butter cups to the dough for extra indulgence.

Storing: Your cookies will stay fresh in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week (if they last that long!).

This recipe yields approximately 12-14 delicious peanut butter cookies, enough for a sweet and satisfying snack or dessert.

There’s something so satisfying about the aroma of freshly baked cookies filling your kitchen, and with the air fryer, that experience has never been easier.

If you want more incredible tips and tricks for mastering the air fryer, be sure to subscribe to our channel. Your taste buds will thank you!

Also read:

Low carb peanut butter cookies recipe: Keto & Gluten Free

Más sobre Air fryer peanut butter cookies recipe: Soft, Chewy, & SO Easy!1

Galletas de mantequilla de maní en Air Fryer: ¡Suaves, Chewy y SÚPER Fáciles!

Llamando a todos los amantes de la mantequilla de maní, ¡este es para ti! Hoy, estoy revelando el secreto para hacer galletas perfectas, suaves y chewy de mantequilla de maní en un instante con la magia de tu Air Fryer. Si eres como yo y adoras el rico sabor de la mantequilla de maní en todo, ¡prepárate porque estas galletas son absolutamente adictivas! ¡Vamos a sumergirnos!

Ingredientes para Galletas de mantequilla de maní en Air Fryer

  • Mantequilla de maní cremosa: La estrella del espectáculo (1 taza)
  • Azúcar morena: Añade una dulzura caramelizada (1/2 taza)
  • Azúcar granulada: Para esa dulzura clásica de galleta (1/4 taza)
  • Huevo grande: Ayuda a unir la masa de galleta (1)
  • Extracto de vainilla: Realza el sabor (1 cucharadita)
  • Harina común: La base de la masa de galleta (1 1/4 taza)
  • Bicarbonato de sodio: Ayuda a que las galletas suban ligeramente (1/2 cucharadita)
  • Sal: Equilibra la dulzura (1/4 cucharadita)

Instrucciones para Galletas de mantequilla de maní en Air Fryer

Paso 1: En un tazón grande, mezcla la mantequilla de maní, azúcar morena, azúcar granulada, huevo y extracto de vainilla hasta que esté ligero y esponjoso.

Paso 2: En un tazón aparte, mezcla la harina, bicarbonato de sodio y sal.

Paso 3: Añade gradualmente los ingredientes secos a los ingredientes húmedos y mezcla hasta que estén combinados. ¡No mezcles demasiado!

Paso 4: Forma la masa en bolas (aproximadamente 1 cucharada cada una) y aplánalas ligeramente con los dedos o un tenedor para crear el patrón clásico de cruz.

Paso 5: ¡Hora de Air Fry! Forra la cesta del Air Fryer con papel pergamino. Coloca las galletas en una sola capa dejando espacio entre ellas. Air fry a 350°F (175°C) durante 6-8 minutos o hasta que los bordes estén dorados y firmes.

Paso 6: Deja enfriar y disfruta: Deja reposar las galletas en el Air Fryer por unos minutos antes de transferirlas a una rejilla para que se enfríen por completo.

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