Crispy pork belly banh mi

pork belly so that the skin is as flat as possible. This will ensure even crackling across the entire surface.

Blast at high heat – Increase the oven temperature to 240°C/465°F and blast the pork for 40 minutes until the skin is incredibly crispy. Keep an eye on it towards the end to make sure it doesn’t burn.

Rest before slicing – Allow the pork belly to rest for at least 15 minutes before slicing into thin pieces for the banh mi.

Banh Mi Assembly

Now that you have your crispy pork belly ready, it’s time to assemble the banh mi sandwich!

Slice the crusty bread roll in half and toast it lightly if desired.

Spread mayonnaise on one side of the bread and pate on the other.

Layer the sliced pork belly on one half of the bread.

Top with pickled vegetables, cucumber slices, and fresh coriander/cilantro.

Drizzle the special banh mi sauce over the filling.

Close the sandwich with the other half of the bread roll and enjoy!

This Crispy Pork Belly Banh Mi is a delicious and satisfying sandwich that combines the richness of the pork belly with the freshness of the vegetables and the tanginess of the pickled vegetables. The special banh mi sauce adds a unique flavor that ties everything together beautifully.

Whether you’re making this sandwich for a gathering or just for yourself, it’s sure to impress with its crispy crackling pork belly and authentic Vietnamese flavors. Give it a try and see why it’s one of the best sandwiches you’ll ever have!

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